Project Overview

Spearheading a path to precision in economic forecasting through a cutting-edge AI model for nowcasting inflation.

  • Project Title: European Central Bank: AI-Powered Inflation Nowcasting
  • Duration: Hackathon Event (Three days)
  • Role: Team Member and Machine Learning Developer
  • Technologies Used: Python 3, Google Colab, Scikit-learn (Vectorizer, Logistic Regression), Seaborn

Problem Statement and Objectives

  • Problem Description: The challenge was to develop an AI system capable of categorizing online products into the correct COICOP categories—a complex task with over 5000 possibilities that is vital for calculating current inflation levels.
  • Project Objectives: Our aim was to craft an AI model that outperformed other methods in accuracy, reliability, and robustness.
  • Target Audience/Market: This project was targeted at economic stakeholders, including institutions like the European Central Bank who require precise nowcasting to make informed decisions.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Key Challenges: The foremost challenge was managing a large variety of COICOP categories and ensuring high accuracy in classification amidst a diverse and novice team.
  • Solutions Developed: We opted for a simple yet powerful model using word embedding and logistic regression, which provided higher accuracy than more complex alternatives like deep neural networks or binary tree classifiers.
  • Impact of Solutions: Our solution achieved a remarkable 99.82% accuracy in classification, setting a new standard for reliability in this domain.

Development Process

  • Lifecycle Overview: The project followed an accelerated development lifecycle, typical of a hackathon.
  • Phases of Development: Conceptualization, data preprocessing, model selection, training, testing, and validation.
  • Collaboration: Worked intensely with a team of four master's students of varying skill sets, effectively utilizing each member's strengths to contribute to the project's success.

Achievements and Outcomes

  • Milestones: Created the most accurate AI model within the hackathon for nowcasting inflation.
  • Final Outcomes: Successfully deployed an AI model that significantly outperformed others in classification challenges.
  • Personal Learning: Gained insights into the power of simplistic models and the importance of team collaboration under pressure.

Visuals and Demonstrations

  • **Screenshots/Diagrams: ** [Screenshots of the final model and graphs displaying the performance versus other models #todo]
  • Live Demos/Repositories: [Link to the model’s repository or technical documentation #todo]


  • Project Impact: This project not only made strides in economic forecasting but also showcased how AI can be leveraged for high-stakes decision-making processes.
  • Career Reflection: This experience was a reinforcing step in my journey, proving that sometimes simplicity combined with classic approaches can lead to revolutionary results in the tech sphere.

Remember, it's not always about complex solutions—sometimes, the most powerful outcomes come from the simplest ideas executed perfectly.